Learning Case Sharing

Good resources are scarce and wise parents will seize!


Early in 2013, when ABCmouse was still unknown to most parents, Dadi had already introduced ABCmouse to the Partnership kindergartens. At that time, this APP has reached millions of users in the U.S. In 2017, Internet leading company Tencent also set up a special team to do secondary product development and B2C marketing for ABCmouse. Now, the total number of Chinese users has also reached 2 million, making it a good and trustworthy resource.


 There can be many such similar moments in the film, and these beautiful moments created by parents and children together are etched into the memories of children.


Children's growth and learning content cannot be separated from the involvement and companionship of parents. High-quality companionship is not just tutoring in homework or exercises; there should be more joyful interaction.

The true worth of ABCmouse extends beyond being merely a learning tool; it integrates into the dynamic of parent-child relationships through its methods and  content, enriching interactions and serving as a vital element in strengthening emotional connections between parents and children.


 City parents only need to pay for WIFI, while country parents also need to pay for poles to pull internet cables. The reason for such a commitment must be that they have found amazing results with other children's learning at ABCmouse.


Some parents look for conditions in their children's education, and some parents create conditions even if they don't have them.

You may ask, what is the uniqueness of ABCmouse when there are so many educational APPs like this and children love them? Maybe the parents' sharing will give you the answer.


 ABCmouse is a self-learning tool, but it works better with a parent for a long time. What about parents don't have enough time? Actually, with the right method, parents only need less time.


How can you improve the quality of your companionship and spend less time doing great things? With hundreds of years of experience in using ABCmouse in hundreds of partner kindergartens, the headquarters of Dadi has arranged everything for parents. We have hundreds of designs to effectively promote parent-child workshops, parents and children's interaction with each other.


 Children, kindergartens and parents who have used ABCmouse all say it's great! The simple summary is: the content is rich, organized and interesting, the children enjoy self-learning, the parent-child interaction is convenient and fun, and more than 80% of the children have good grades.


The parents' comments are not rhetoric.

ABCmouse's creative team is a pioneer in the world of animation. The members involved in the production and artwork of the website are distinguished American visual artists, designers, composers, musicians, voiceover artists, computer programmers, and others. The animation, music, and dubbing are all done by a Hollywood movie-level team in the United States, in a style especially like Disney animation, which is loved by children. The dubbing is recorded by the Midwest announcer level personnel to ensure that every child hears the authentic American pronunciation.


Music is an amazing language learning tool. Children naturally love to learn to sing. There are hundreds of original English songs and children's poems in the ABCmouse platform. By listening, singing along and humming, children not only make learning English fun, but also develop superior listening and standard pronunciation.

In addition to language interaction, listening to children recite storybooks and singing children's songs is also a major part of parent-child interaction, and the Parent-Child Club also organizes a Parent English Choir to encourage parents to create a better learning environment for their children. Teaching with fun is the core value of ABCmouse. In Dadi, we have also set up a professional team to conduct in-depth research, combining the learning characteristics of children and the needs of parent-child education, and explore B2B2C learning tools to make it easy for children to master their second language and prepare them for a better life in the future.